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Sustainability Solution For Dairy Packaging

Category:Industry Market Publication Time:2023-07-17 Author:Jessie Page view:


The distribution of dairy products relies heavily on effective packaging due to their short shelf life. Proper packaging not only prevents contamination but also facilitates storage and transportation. In response to consumer demands and convenience, the dairy packaging industry has witnessed notable advancements in packaging innovations. The global adoption of dairy-based packaging can be attributed to factors such as increased availability of packaged dairy products through various retail channels and a growing customer demand for protein-based products. The rising popularity of smaller multipacks and the preference for yogurt, ice cream, butter, and similar products have contributed to the increasing packaging requirements.


Furthermore, there is a growing need to extend the shelf life of dairy products and cater to consumer preferences for convenient packaging solutions, leading to a positive growth in plastic packaging. The global market for dairy food packaging is influenced by trends such as an increased focus on safety awareness, urbanization, and the consumption of diverse dairy products driven by the demand for fresh and balanced diets.


To stay competitive in this dynamic industry, dairy product developers are embracing rigid and flexible packaging options that enhance freshness, ensure food safety, and improve shelf appeal. As a result, packaging suppliers are continuously developing innovative designs to meet these evolving needs.


With a rising consciousness about the environmental impact of packaging, consumers now expect companies to take responsibility and adopt sustainable and consumer-friendly solutions. Companies are under pressure to address these concerns and find ways to minimize negative environmental effects while meeting packaging requirements.

Provol - Provider of Sustainability Packaging Solution

1. Think Before We Design

Establish the quality management system, strengthen quality control and testing,

and improve the utilization rate of all aspects of the product.

We have established the quality assurance system through production management, service management, R&D management and supply chain management, which can improve quality management standards about raw materials supply, manufacturing, warehousing, transportation and after-sales service to ensure product safety and quality.


2. Pre-production Control

We continuously strive to reduce the consumption of energy and resources by improving our equipment, processes, and methods. By establishing a quality assurance system, we enhance the quality management levels in areas such as raw material supply, production, manufacturing, warehousing, transportation, and after-sales services, ensuring product safety and quality. Simultaneously, we focus on improving the efficiency of energy and natural resource utilization, such as water, electricity, gas, and oil, required for production, through process improvements and management techniques.


3. Accept Before We Cooperate

Only on the premise of mutual recognition of compliance and cooperation, we will establish the long-term cooperation with the suppliers and the customers.

We establish long-term partnerships with suppliers and customers only under the condition of mutual recognition and compliance cooperation.


Provol has developed a supplier management system that assesses the basic information and qualifications of suppliers and conducts risk assessments based on environmental, quality, food safety, and social responsibility management requirements. We require suppliers to comply with all applicable laws and regulations and clearly communicate Provol's expectations and requirements regarding environmental, quality, food safety, and social responsibility.

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