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Positive response to the current situation with Covid-19 pandemic : The successful implementation of the intelligent warehouse system helped improve the efficiency of supply chain

Category:Company News Publication Time:2020-11-13 Author:Grace & Jane Page view:

In the past six months, the global epidemic raged everywhere, which made Provol have more thoughts on corporate social responsibility. The company is actively preventing the epidemic and protecting the physical and mental health of employees. Meanwhile, it is also thinking about how to tide over the difficulties together with customers and industry partners. In particular, the company's supply chain system and the flexibility of global technical services are facing considerable challenges due to the restrictions of epidemic prevention policies in many districts.    

In order to turn the challenges into opportunities, Provol considers that under the current situation, we should pay more attention to a high response speed to customers. In the third quarter of this year, we launched the intelligent warehouse system, which integrates information automatically, and greatly reduces the delivery cycle of supply information transfer by more than 30%. Through the combination of intelligent warehouse system and mature supply chain management, it improved the performance of the supply chain and enhanced the overall production capacity, so as to provide efficient service support for customers around the world under the impact of such a severe epidemic.    

In terms of global service support, we have reached an agreement with our agent partners around the world to synchronously export mature technologies and services to customers together. At the same time, we changed the on-site support of some customers into flexible online services, and solved customers' on-site problems by analyzing the data detected by the remote maintenance module in the equipment according to the technical data output of professionals.    

Although China has entered the "post-epidemic" stage, the international situation is still not optimistic. For the sustainable development of the industry and the healthy survival of enterprises, we still have many problems to face. Therefore, we will also consider more ways to further complete our service network in global business and consider how to continuously protect the interests of customers and output more value in today's changing social environment.